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AuxiliaryTank110liters, made ofcarbon steel3mm thickformaximum strength, withouthaving forgottenits weight, this beingenoughcontent. It can be deliveredwith differentcoatings/finishes,price variesaccording tofinish.Refer toyour shopSahara 4x4.
Itstotal capacityis 110liters, theinstallationdoes not modifyin any way theoriginal vehicle,so itwarrants thatthisis free frompossibledamage due tohandlingfor installation.
This productis approved accordingto EClegislationon reformofimportanceinmotor vehicles.
The useof the depositis simple,after assembly,youhappen tohave twofilling portsinyour vehicle,the original,whichwe do not changeanything about theirvehicle'sserial number andAuxiliaryStorage. Youcouldalways seethatlevel ofgasoline/dieselisthe warehouse,because it hasfuel gaugeinside thevehicle. At any timeyou cantransfer fuelfrom theauxiliarytankto youroriginal depositby a switchthatactivates afuel pump.
TheLaborand Transportwill be charged separately.
Detailof theclampstochassis.
InstallationParts, which includesthe Kit
Aluminum skid plate,Optional,notincluded in price.
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